Surface finishing Nano Clear for paste stencils

Surface finishing

Our stencils are, by default, brushed finished on both sides in order to minimise burrs during laser cutting.

NanoClear is a cost-effective technique for fluxophoben (paste-repelling) stencil coating, which transforms the stencils “with just one wipe” making them highly durable.

This unique coating increases the cleaning efficiency and reduces the required cleaning frequency. The problems caused by smaller stencil openings are therefore counteracted.

The benefits:

  • easier stencil cleaning
  • improved paste removal by “smoothing” of the walls of the cutouts
  • durable coating
Surface finishing Electropolishing for paste stencils
Pad before                          Electro-pol. Pad after

Electro-polishing is an electro-chemical process. A galvanic process deposits metallic ions onto a workpiece, whilst electro-polishing achieves the opposite and removes ions.

The surface roughness is reduced with the electro-polishing process, the walls of the cut pads and fine burrs are smoothed away.

The benefits:
  • Improved release of the paste from the stencil due to smoother walls of the cut out pads
  • Since the stencil, in contrast to mechanical polishing, is not subjected to any mechanical stresses, even the finest forms and structures are retained.
  • Easier stencil cleaning
Templates special material Tension